Frank G. Calhoun
Frank B. Calhoun, M.D., D. Min. is licensed to practice medicine in the state of Tennessee. Specializing in the field of Internal Medicine, he is prepared to provide care to adult patients suffering from a wide range of illnesses and diseases, ranging from the common to the rare. Dr. Calhoun is also trained in general medicine, and is capable of treating patients for diseases that may have overlapping symptoms or complications. He is also trained for General Practice. Dr. Calhoun is known for diagnostic skills and the ability to manage multi-system diseases. Through Grace Clinic, he offers comprehensive treatment for patients of all ages, typically providing primary care services.
Dr. Calhoun became a believer in Jesus Christ at the age of 19, while in the U. S. Navy. After graduating from The Medical School of Georgia and Luther Rice Seminary, he and his family went to Indonesia as Medical Missionaries. On his return to the U. S., Dr. Calhoun specialized in emergency medicine. In 1999, God guided him to renew his ministry to others in medicine, but especially in writing and face to face encounters. The product of this work in his life is in your hands – this book. His prayer is that this book will help advance you in “The Pursuit of Integrity.”
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The Pursuit of Integrity
by Frank G. Calhoun
Every life should have the best possible quality and value. The Creator designed us to live a certain way; a way that will serve His purpose for each person. He will give stability and even joy, regardless of circumstances, whether a genius, a pauper, a jock or a victim! God provided a way of thinking and behaving that provides happiness for everyone. All can have this internal value which will give the "success" needed to enjoy life in spite of bad choices, and regardless of the effects from the bad choices of others, and even the pain and suffering that can come from disease, disability or death. Frank B. Calhoun, MD, DMin, has chosen the word INTEGRITY as the "very best word" to describe all that God created you to be. More than being honest, INTEGRITY encompasses other character qualities that please God. Dr. Calhoun has taken all these into study and chosen the word INTEGRITY to include and express all of them.
ISBN: 978-1-935434-78-8
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