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Remedial and Surrogate Parenting:
A Resource for Parents, Teachers, and Childcare Services

by Hollis L. Green

This book is a suitable syllabus for Human Development: The Early Years (Birth to Twenty) -- A study of physical, emotional, cognitive, social, moral/spiritual, and personality factors as they influence development through the life cycle stages (Birth to Twenty) in Family Life Education courses that require NCFR Criteria #3. Just like footprints, each child is different and age-specific care is required. Dr. Green's effort is to assure a positive and professional attitude among parents and others in child care, to provide sufficient knowledge of remedial development, and to provide basic guidance as to personal and professional behavior necessary to make parenting work in the home and with needy children in the custodial arena. It can be both a study and a reference guide for parents and personnel working in children's homes, and foster parents who pick up the slack in society when custodial care is not sufficient or government agencies are slow to respond to the needs of children.

ISBN: 978-1-935434-48-1

Book Reviews

Remedial and Surrogate Parenting is excellent monograph providing the reader with clear and concise information on the management and care of abused and neglected children. Dr. Green's approach is comprehensive and the reader will appreciate succinct writing filled with practical ideas and strategies for behaviors the surrogate family may experience. The monograph, although useful in a classroom setting, would be a great read for the couple or individuals considering surrogate parenting or adoption of a child with an abusive/neglected developmental history. The book provides the reader with a realistic examination of what one can expect from a child raised in a compromised environment. Dr. Green does not neglect the fact that although the responsibility and commitment is great, taking a child that has yet to learn how to be loved, to love, and to form healthy relationships can be a highly rewarding and challenging endeavor.
- Perry Timme, D.Phil, Farmington Municipal Schools, NM

Remedial and Surrogate Parenting is a well-crafted, thorough, and caring book framed by experience, critical thought, and sincere concern. The author, Dr. Hollis L. Green, has evinced tender compassion for children, and he has systematically sewn his observations to his proposed remedies in a selfless embroidery of golden aid upon today's blue social fabric. With concise, helpful insight, Dr. Green has laid problems bare, addressed today's cultural wounds, applied cleansing principles, stitched familial tears, and has bandaged broken situations through direct parallels to ancient truths that continue to shine through popular lugubriousness. If the purchaser reads Remedial and Surrogate Parenting in the Custodial Arena while wearing a hat, he or she will be prompted to remove it upon the conclusion of this book.
- Joshua Collins

Remedial and Surrogate Parenting this book has good suggestions for caregivers and will have a broader audience than just caregivers. There is much that would contribute to the education of the workers who are not directly related to childcare.
- Helen G. Morgan, PhD, Occupational Childcare Specialist and Oxford Distinguished Professor of Education

Remedial and Surrogate Parenting the information in this book is priceless and it should be required reading for caregivers, school teachers, parents and anyone who works with children. It is the only book I have encountered that mentions history and how it affects the development of Caribbean children. I think that link is important. I especially like the layout of the book. It is easy to follow.
- Stacy Ann Hansraj, UWI Tertiary Lecturer